Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hike In Sedona

Greg and I took a day to hike up north near Sedona.

We didn't happen to see any wild horses or donkeys, whatever this sign advertises.

We did see some crazy mean-looking cattle!

We didn't see any jumping deer, either.

Look at the beauty! 

Here's the big metal chicken at the crazy antique shop! 

We found the river - well, Oak Creek.

Here's a quick video of me in the river and the beautiful red rocks and dirt!

It was lovely to get out of the heat
(okay, it was still hot, but it was LESS hot) than in the Phoenix valley.

This tree had a big hole in it . . . I looked to see if there were squirrels or trolls!
I didn't see any.

 The water was COLD and clear.

The trees smelled clean and great. 

 Shoes off and feet in the river!

There's the Matterhorn Inn - but just a couple of months ago, we saw the REAL Matterhorn in Switzerland! 

 It was extremely busy and slow on the way home.

But we MADE IT!!!!

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