Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Food And Cats: Life Is Grand!

What is Christie eating this week?

Let's see . . . 

Top row:
apple sauce
roasted veggies
green tea (for mornings, 'cause it has caffeine)
hibiscus tea (caffeine free) for afternoons and evenings

This week I roasted zucchini, sweet yellow peppers, sweet orange peppers,
orange carrots, white carrots, and purple carrots.

Middle row:
baked potato slices
baked sweet potato slices
risotto with carrots, peas, and spinach
(made a few weeks ago, frozen, and taken out of the freezer this week)

Bottom row:
sweet peppers, zucchini

Today for lunch, I opened the fridge and decided on an apple with powdered peanut butter
and brown rice with roasted veggies.

It's easy to create something healthy, filling, and delicious with all those interesting and colorful ingredients!


Juvy is getting used to the new sofa:

Two pairs of black ears!

When the weather's nice, Juvy enjoys being outside, too.

Allistair has been keeping me company in my office today . . .  

And Stephen came to sleep next to him. 

I like watching Allistair's twitchy pink nose while he's sleeping.

We often see a little waiting Juvy at the door . . . 

She wants to take a short-cut through the house!

This morning she jumped from the chair to the chaise!
It was a jump worthy of an Olympian!

We still have the old couch in the great room . . .  

Greg and his friend Joe are going to take it to Goodwill later today, hopefully.

The same store where we found the new sofa has a completely amazing home goods department.
I found this gorgeous vase there, marked down to $16.

Look at that pretty tile pattern!
Modern, but handmade looking.

 Can hardly wait to go back to that store . . . 
but maybe it's best if I don't until I am looking for something specific!

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