Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Windows Wide Open

We have had the most beautiful autumn I can remember here in Arizona!  It's very chilly in the mornings (40s), but in the afternoons, it warms up to 75 or 80, and we're able to open allllll the windows and enjoy the sunshine.  I have been sitting out back under the elm trees, and their leaves are dropping.  Every time a breeze blows, a bunch of leaves fall on my head!

The kittens enjoy having the windows open - who knows what they can smell?

Bjarne has been not feeling very well.  He doesn't eat very much and he sleeps a LOT.  He has lost lots of weight.  Stephen is heavier than him now.  Bjarne is 16 years old, so he's elderly for a cat.  We are hoping he recovers and that this isn't the time for him to go to Heaven.  (But even if it is, he has a very good life and lots of love!)  I will keep you updated.

He certainly is handsome!

Have a happy day!


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